my 3rd ebook "How to Break the Barrier of North America Job Market for the first time"

ebook and self publishing 2023. 6. 11. 20:37

Hello, this is my 3rd ebook published in iBooks (apple), kindle (amazon), and playbooks (google). You can find the book by searching "How to Break the Barrier of North America Job Market for the first time". This book is a reference book for someone who try to get a job for the first time in North America. Though it is my personal experiences for finding a job, I hope my expedition may provide a brilliant idea to new challengers.


In addition, I surprised that how easy to publish a book in on-line book markets comparing to 10 years ago when I published my first ebook. It took only 2 hours to publish in three platforms now (2023) while almost a month in 10 years ago.


제가 만든 3번째 ebook, "How to Break the Barrier of North America Job Market for the first time" 이 애플 아이북스, 아마존 킨들, 구글 플레이북스에 퍼블리쉬 되었습니다. 이 책은 북미에서 처음으로 취업준비를 하시는 분들에게 도움이 될 수 있도록 개인적인 경험과 자료를 담은 참고서적입니다.


10여년 처음 이북을 등록할때는 진짜 어려워서 구글링도 엄청하고 했었는데, 이제는 너무 쉬워졌네요. 2시간정도면 세군데에 충분히 본인의 책을 업로드 있을 같습니다. 




[Apple ibooks]


[google play books]
